
Speaking My Truth

On July 22, 2017, I had the privilege of speaking to women of all ages and background who all had a common theme.  We were all beautifully broken in some way shape or form.  When I was asked by Tresha Williams to be one of the women of the Beautifully Broken, Broken But Fixable Brunch, I accepted right away and felt honored to be amongst such beautiful women.  Almost immediately I started second guessing myself.  Asking myself, what do I share? What should I keep to myself? In the planning phase, Tresha planned a photoshoot for all the ladies to take part in.  Meeting the other ladies was so inspiring.  I felt connected immediately.  It was something about these ladies that encouraged and empowered me. They will probably never know the impact they have had on me in just the short time we were together.  When it was time to prepare, I asked God to tell me what I should talk about.  I then wrote out several different speeches but none of them felt right for this particular event. (Side note: Those other speeches are dope for other conferences, so email me for your next seminar, workshop, conference, etc. - shameless plug).  After much contemplation, I decided to just let the words flow on that day. As I stepped up to the podium, I carried my journal book with me.  I was scared out of my mind.  How could I be unprepared in front of a room full of women seeking to be inspired.  However, it came to me, just speak your truth.  I spoke my truth about living a mundane life, dating, and more all because of low self-esteem.  I spoke on the things I felt was necessary for that moment and for me to say out loud.  I will forever be grateful to Tresha for being obedient and courageous to host this event.  I am beautifully broken, broken but fixable.